Updated On 01 August 2023 & Read Time 11 minutes
Anthony Bourdain once said, and we quote, “If I’m an advocate for anything, it’s to move. As far as you can, as much as you can. Across the ocean or simply across the river. Walk in someone else’s shoes or at least eat their food. It’s a plus for everybody”. The life of an international student delivers the same experience. You move to a different country, walk in their shoes, talk in their language, take a closer look at their culture, taste their food and much more. The quote perfectly captures the adventures encompassing the life of a dream to experience something new and move abroad, don’t you think?
Studying abroad as an international student and leaving the comfort of your home is a big decision that can alter your life path. But at the same time, it is filled with new experiences.
At first, it is a dream that soon becomes a decision. As a student, confusion about which decision is right and which is wrong is understandable. The thought of managing things on your own must be daunting. You may be thinking of all the new things you'll have to do, such as cleaning the bathroom for the first time, doing your laundry, or cooking your own food. Living away from mom can be hard; we understand! No matter how scary that might seem, being independent is amazing and has its own perks. It’s just like American Singer Taylor Swift said in her New York University Commencement speech, “The bad news is you’re on your own, but the good news is you are on your own!”
You get to experience so many firsts! First solo walk to the park, eating alone, visiting a museum on your own and first time doing part-time work in a different country and work setting. Yes, you heard it right, part-time jobs in Australia. You must be thinking, but with my studies, am I even eligible to work there as an international student? Yes, you are, and it is one of the best possible ways to make some extra bucks to support your lifestyle in Australia. Let’s take a closer look at it, shall we?
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If we take a closer look at the dynamic of part-time work in Australia, job roles vary greatly. Students work every type of work there, from delivering goods to being a server at a cafe or restaurant. While we understand that coming from countries deeply rooted in class and standards, it might be difficult to take up these roles. However, you must understand that there is no petty work in the world. Being a barista or delivery boy wouldn’t lower your status, especially when it makes you independent. Everyone works every job role in international countries like Australia and is equally respected. So you don’t need to worry about that part. But these are not the only jobs you can do. There are many. You just need to find the one for which you have the skills.
We encounter fresh ideas and ways of thinking when we leave our comfort zones, travel to strange places, and work in their setting. Many times, conflicts might arise, but these conflicts force us to grow both mentally and emotionally. The world desperately needs more open-minded global citizens while nationalism is rising. Working part-time won’t only earn you money but will also help you gain a deeper insight into the workforce of the Australian industry. Many organisations recognise and consider students who can multitask while delivering great results. This proves that you can easily handle multiple tasks simultaneously and give your best in each. Isn’t that good news now?
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We understand that juggling school and work can be taxing and even more so when you must figure out everything independently. Figuring out which jobs to look for in a foreign country is difficult, but we've got you! Australia is a growing economy. The vibrant labour market of the country provides opportunities for university and college students seeking valuable job experience to build a resume or additional income to sustain their lifestyles.
By now, you must be thinking, that okay enough with the pep-talk! Quickly tell me exactly how many hours I can work and what kind of jobs. So, let’s talk about that. You are only permitted to work 40 hours per two weeks while being on an Australian student visa. That means Indian international students can work up to 20 hours per week with an Australia minimum wage rate of AUD 21 hourly. With the help of these part-time job hours, students can earn around 2000 AUD per month. Monday through Sunday are regarded as working days. Splitting up the time doesn't matter. You can spend more time in one week while taking it easy. But, you must adhere to the rules and not exceed this hour limit. If you wish to work more, get permission or wait until your vacation period.
The Australian government also constantly encourages international students to work while studying to support themselves, get familiar with things and feel more at home. This offers students amazing opportunities to land internships and even build interpersonal relationships. Studying and working abroad truly is an experience in itself. Don’t you think so?
Now that we are done with the facts and figures let us look at the jobs in Australia that you can target as fresher and international students. Shall we start? While growing up, you must have had that one thing you loved doing, but everybody else considered a waste. There must be something like watching after kids, tutoring, making that perfect cup of coffee, writing for the internet, playing cello or violin or learning a foreign language. What if we told you that you could choose to do any of these things and even earn money doing so? But, you must have good relevant skills and not just passion as it won’t help you much. You can easily find part-time jobs in Australia at cafes, restaurants and hotels.
You can make that coffee you loved growing up and let others enjoy it or work in a library surrounded by all the books you love. You can also find work tutoring starting from kids to university-attending students. Tutoring pays well in Australia, and you make some good money. Also, there are many languages spoken in Australia. So, if you know multiple languages, you can find some work as a translator or something in the field. Yes, this is the time to earn money from your Italian, French or Greek language skills. These jobs also pay really well. You can also look for different freelancing opportunities with big organisations in the country. Freelancing opportunities pay well with relevant skills and can greatly help you earn extra money.
Well, if you have the skills, it is a cakewalk to secure the most high-paying work. Australia minimum salary per hour starts at 20 AUD and can go up to 45 AUD. Work in the retail sector is one of the most high-paying part-time work opportunities. It can go up to 33 AUD per hour. Tutoring also pays up to 40 AUD. Other high-paying jobs include hospitality (cafes, bars, hotels, restaurants, delivery), farming and fruit-picking (mostly in the spring season), services (aged care and cleaning), babysitting, clerical work and administration. Apart from working these off-campus jobs, you can also work on campus. You can work as a libertarian, teaching assistant, or in the campus shops without any time limit. The hours you work, each week depend on your faculty. Amazing, right?
Some well-paid part-time jobs in Australia as an international student are listed below.
Security Jobs
Cleaning Jobs
Construction Jobs
Specialised Hospitality Jobs
Personal Trainers
Dog Walkers or Pet Sitters
Delivery Drivers
Baby sitter
Mail Deliverer
But, it is not like money is the only thing you earn while working different part-time jobs in Australia. We, humans, are social beings, and we thrive on interpersonal connections. While working these part-time jobs, you can converse with different people daily. Some of these people might even become your friends, while others might leave a long-lasting impression on you.
It might also make you feel differences in your and their culture. The American author Frances Mayes quotes, “Splendid to arrive alone in a foreign country and feel the assault of difference. Here they are all along, busy with living; they don’t talk or look like me. The rhythm of their day is entirely different; I am foreign”. Doesn’t this sum up the loneliness one feels in a foreign country? But it’s all part of the “larger than life” experience. Imagine working as a barista and conversing with a regular customer over how chilly the weather is or how cute your scarf looks. We are sure that’s enough to put you in a good mood for the whole day. Sounds like an experience worth going through, right?
But you should not just focus on work and earning money. Remember, you went there to get that degree you always wanted. Don’t let your work get in the way of your studies. You must continue to balance your work commitments and studies, even though there is flexibility in the number of hours you can work. At that time, earning money might consume your thoughts. But, ultimately, it's the degree you went there for which will help you with future job prospects. So, don’t ruin your grades by running behind these jobs. Maintain balance, and you will be fine.
To summarise, many part-time jobs in Australia can pay you well and help you manage your living costs. Working while pursuing an education is beneficial for getting relevant experience in your intended area and supplementing your income. Even with the abundance of employment accessible to students, finding the time to combine both might be difficult. To be successful in this quest, it is important to set a timetable in which studying and working do not clash and both go on with a balanced mix. Don’t forget that it is also important to maintain proper sleep habits. Regular breaks and celebrating your accomplishments are also vital for retaining motivation.
We understand that navigating through this in a different country might be difficult initially. But hang in there! Do what makes your soul happy and satisfied. Do not let societal norms define you. Go out, and try different types of work. If you wish to experience working in a cafe, do that! Nobody knows you there. Also, there is no such thing as a meagre job. Just be open to new opportunities and learn all that you can! We believe this will be an experience like no other for you, and we hope you learn and enjoy every bit of it.
We wish you good luck with your future endeavours.
If you are still unsure or would like to get deeper insight, we encourage you to have a word with our team of expert counsellors at 三只羊黑料 Education Consultants (MOEC). If you are unable to travel to our offices, we offer online counselling services via our website. Our dedicated counsellors will provide you with the best guidance regarding your application to study in Australia. Apart from this, our expert counsellors will also provide assistance in the visa process for your successful study abroad journey. Don't hesitate to contact us at application02@meridean.org or call us at 1800-1230-00011.
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