
German Student Visa Rejection Reasons



Updated On 06 June 2024 & Read Time 14 minutes


If you want to study in Germany and wondering about the reasons for German student visa rejection, then this blog is for you. 


Germany has a 95% visa acceptance rate, which is higher than many other well-known nations like the USA and the UK. Furthermore, about 95 out of 100 students are successful in obtaining a German student visa. Imagine the opportunities that await you in Germany, and let that be your motivation.


However, there's always the possibility of being rejected for a German student visa for a number of reasons. The embassy provides a brief explanation outlining the grounds for the denial. Remember, your dream to study in Germany should not be shattered by this. With dedication and determination, one can overcome this little setback.


In this blog, we have covered all the necessary information regarding German student visa rejection and various ways to avoid it to ensure that you fulfil your dream of studying in Germany. 

German Student Visa and its Success Rate

The German student visa has an extremely high success rate. The success percentage for the German student visa has been 95% in recent years, as already mentioned. 


German Student Visa Rejection Reasons


In any case, a high success rate does not ensure that a student will be granted a visa. The German authorities are extremely strict when it comes to granting entry into their nation. As a result, they filter out the top candidates who can advance their nation. The judgment of visa approval or rejection is not only in the hands of the visa officer but also the immigration office. Thus, in order to prevent being denied a German student visa, the applicant must carefully follow all of the instructions.


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Germany Student Visa Rejection Reasons

The following list includes some of the most typical explanations for German student visa rejection:


Incorrect Visa Application

It is very essential to choose the right type of visa before applying for it. German Visa for Indian students is of three types:

  • German Student Visa

  • German Student Applicant Visa

  • German Language Course Visa



Acquiring the correct kind of visa is essential because it's the first stage in the process. As each category has different requirements, be careful to do the necessary paperwork.

  • Indian students who have been accepted to German universities and are about to begin a full-time course in Germany at one of those universities are eligible for a student visa.

  • If a student needs to be in Germany to submit an in-person application for admission to an institution, they must have a student application visa.

  • If a student wants to take the German language course, they need to get a language course visa.


Poor Financial Conditions

Any foreign nation demands sufficient cash and a stable bank account to ensure that you are capable of covering your living expenses while residing there. Unstable financial circumstances are a primary cause of visa denials.


It might come as a surprise that the visa can be denied due to insufficient funds in a nation where public universities offer free tuition. In order for you to focus on your education, the German government must ensure that you can afford your living expenses.



  • The most reliable indicator of financial stability is a blocked bank account. As mandated by the German government, a Block account of 11,208 EUR / year is required; students can deduct 934  EUR per month.

  • A sponsor is an additional means of demonstrating to a student that they can live comfortably while they are in the nation. Anyone who is willing to pay for your stay in Germany can serve as your sponsor; they don't even need to be family.

  • The sponsor must demonstrate their financial stability and have a consistent monthly income.


Lack of Language Skills(German or English)

Another major reason the German student visa is rejected is the inability to prove language proficiency. Many German universities offer English-taught courses for international students, so students need to provide Internationally Recognized English Language test results, but possession of German language proficiency is beneficial for students for the visa process as well as for survival in the foreign country


If the program you choose is taught in the German language, the visa interview will also take place in the same language, and if you fail to communicate with the officer in German, your application will be rejected immediately.


In addition to German, students must show their fluency in English for English taught courses. Mentioned below are some of the English and German language proficiency test accepted by German Universities:








Level 2 - above


C2 Level-above


  • Practice as much as you can

  • Pursue German language courses in institutes like Goethe Institute or enrol in language courses in Germany.

  • Do not provide fake English proficiency test (IELTS or TOEFL) certificates; the embassy can easily identify fake documents.


Poor Academic Performance

Since the educational system in Germany is highly valued, several prestigious colleges closely consider all applications. They pick people who are capable of finishing their degrees and have strong academic backgrounds. Therefore, maintain a strong academic record. If your previous education was poor and the embassy believes you won't be able to adjust to the German educational system, they can easily deny your application.



  • You would have your results until the time of your visa application, so there isn't much you can do to modify them if they are poor. Nevertheless, you still have the opportunity to demonstrate your competence during the interview and prove that you are capable.

  • It's crucial to explain to the embassy why your grades are poor and that you would be prepared to work on them if you were to study in Germany.

  • Mention any relevant qualifications, work experience, certifications, or extracurricular activity success in your application and interview.


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Unrelated Choice of Study

Sometimes, a visa is denied due to irrelevant field of study chosen by the student. If your planned program does not match with or be related to your previous coursework, the embassy reserves the right to deny approval of your visa application. 


For instance, if a student has completed their bachelor's degree in history and is now applying to a master's program in business administration in Germany, the embassy may raise concerns about their capacity to pursue further education and finish the program. A rejection might also happen if you are applying for another bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree when you already have one.



  • Choose your course of study with great attention and consideration. It must be connected to your previous studies.

  • If you decide to change careers or fields, make sure you can provide evidence for your decision in your motivation letter and to the visa officer.

  • In these situations, relevant work experience in the changed path might help prove to the hiring officer that you are capable of learning the new program.


Poor Interview Preparation

The most crucial factor in obtaining a German student visa is doing well in the interview. In addition to hearing your responses to their questions, the interviewer observes how you behave and how well you can communicate. Since it's often claimed that an interviewer's first impression of you is your last, make sure to establish a good one. Lack of interview preparation can have a direct impact on the issuance of a visa.



  • To prepare for the interview, get as much information as possible about the country and be confident.

  • Practice the following types of questions with confidence:

  • Knowledge of Germany

  • Your seriousness as a student in Germany

  • Your motive to study in Germany

  • Your financial condition


Incomplete Set of Documents

It is necessary to have every document on the checklist in order to be approved for a visa. Every single document is required and has a certain value. Thus, even after you have gathered all the necessary paperwork, be sure to thoroughly review the list of required documents. Refusing to do so or presenting an incomplete set of documentation can result in the denial of your visa.



  • To keep track of the documents that are still needed, make your own checklist and mark the ones that you have already gathered.

  • To ensure that you don't lose any official documents, keep them close at hand in a folder that is secure.

  • Gather all the paperwork because you will need it all and if you don't have it, your visa will be rejected.


Profile Doesn’t Fit the State’s Future Needs

Like every other country, Germany also has a particular profile for Indian students that they think is crucial for the development and needs of the country. There are various scholarships in Germany for Indian students, financial aid, and other sponsorships that the country provides so that they can find talented individuals to work in the country.


The visa acceptance or refusal is not merely in the hands of the visa officer but also the Immigration officer. So, if they find that your profile is not required for the field you are applying for, your visa might be rejected.



  • Make sure you thoroughly investigate the qualifications needed in the state for which you are applying.

  • If a course is in high demand and you are not interested in it, do not take it. You may get bored with the subject, fail it, or even be expelled.

  • Select a course that interests you, then prove to the embassy that you are capable of succeeding in it and that you will benefit both Germany and your own nation.

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What to do after the Rejection of the German Student Visa?

There's a possibility that one of the factors listed above will result in the rejection of your student visa. But it's crucial to hold onto your optimism and give yourself another go. You can reapply for a German student visa by following the instructions below.


It is essential that you understand the reason(s) behind the rejection of your visa. You won't be able to obtain approval even next time if you don't know why, as you will be making the same error again.


Write an Appeal Letter

The Embassy may urge you to file an appeal (remonstration) within a month if you think the visa denial was unfair. Maintaining objectivity and outlining your reasons for believing the decision was incorrect is crucial when writing the appeal letter. To support your request for reconsideration, you should include factual or legal justification. 


It's important to remember that if your visa application has been rejected, each embassy can have a deadline for submitting the appeal letter. It's crucial to realise, though, that filing an appeal letter does not ensure that your visa will be approved.


Reapply for Your Student Visa

It is beneficial to reapply for a German student visa if you think you can increase your chances. However it's essential that you follow the required actions to make sure your application is accepted this time. 


This involves ensuring you have all the necessary paperwork, preparing well for the interview, and addressing any potential grounds for the visa to be denied. Recognizing and addressing any errors from the first application will improve your chances of being accepted back for a second application. 


In conclusion, simply said, it's not the end if your application for a German student visa is denied. Given the low 5% rejection rate for Germany's student visas and the 95% success rate in recent years, candidates who prepare well stand a good opportunity. Study the refusal in great detail. Recognise the exact reasons for the decision to deny a Germany student visa. Next, address each issue head-on in your reapplication in a strategic manner. Present real data supporting each presented concern. Showcase your unwavering dedication to studying in Germany by taking decisive action to dispel any uncertainties.


If you want to know more about German student visa rejection reasons or want to study in Germany, we encourage you to speak with our team of expert counsellors at (MOEC). Our counsellors will provide you with guidance throughout your study abroad. Get help with the application process, SOPs, and filing for a visa. Visit us and get one-to-one counselling, or avail yourself of free video counselling via our website. We will be happy to help you, so please do not hesitate to contact us at application02@meridean.org or 1800-1230-00011. 


Question: Is it simple to obtain a German visa?

Answer: Not really, however, it is well-defined. Collect all necessary paperwork. Fulfill your financial requirements. Make sure your application is well-structured. For an effortless encounter, follow all the instructions.


Question: Who issued the German student visa?

Answer: Student visas are often issued by the German embassy or consulate in your country. They must also walk you through the application procedure and any location-specific criteria.


Question: What amount of money is required to obtain a visa to Germany?

Answer: Typically, at le­ast 11,208 Euros or 1,013,333 Indian Rupees per ye­ar. This covers living costs during studies. You can prove it with bank state­ments or a scholarship letter.


Question: Is it hard to get a German student visa?

Answer: No, it's not hard economically. In recent years, around 5% of applications for student visas to Germany have been denied. Nevertheless, preparing your application carefully is important, ensuring you address every possible problem.


Question: Is there any age limit for a German Student Visa?

Answer: The German Student Visa has no formal age restriction. However, the majority of colleges have their own age restrictions for admission, so before starting the application process, be sure to verify with your preferred program.


Question: What's the duration of a German student visa?

Answer: A potential student's visa is good for three months, but it can be extended for an additional six months if they are accepted into an institution of higher learning, enrol in a foundation course, or take a German language course during that period.


Question: What number of bands is required for a German student visa?

Answer: If you want to study in Germany, you need to have an IELTS score of at least 6.5. If, when you apply for a visa, your access to a university has not yet been formally confirmed, you should present documentation of your language skills. You will be required to submit verification of your language proficiency for any study course or preparatory course.


Question: What percentage of German candidates are denied visas?

Answer: Recent figures on Schengen visas indicate that although Indians submitted over 6 lakh applications, the third-highest number worldwide in 2024, they also experienced a high rejection rate of 18%.


Question: Can I reapply after being rejected for a German visa?

Answer: If you would like to reapply for a student visa to Germany, you must submit an appeal to the Embassy. The appeal needs to be clearly stated and supported by solid arguments, such as factual data. You can also thereafter present additional paperwork, if needed, to strengthen your application for a visa.


Question: How long does a German student visa take?

Answer: The processing of student visa applications typically takes 25 days. The majority of visa applications will be completed in one to three months. Students are, therefore, asked to apply for the same well in advance of the start of their study.

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