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Which exam is required for getting admission in UK?




The required qualifying score in English language proficiency is the first criteria for taking admission to UK universities and colleges.

There are various standardized language exams to assess the English language skills of applicants. 

  • IELTS – International English language Test System
  • TOEFL – Test of English as a Foreign Language
  • PTE – Pearson Test English
  • UCLES – University of Cambridge Local Exam Syndicate

Although these are the most prevalent tests for assessing your English language proficiency, the score criteria may vary according to your chosen institutions or university.

Depending on the admission criteria of your study stream, other relevant qualifying exams apart from English proficiency are:

GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test):

GMAT conducted by Graduate Management Admission Council is designed for the purpose of assessing an applicant’s aptitude for business degrees in the UK. It’s a computer-based test (CBT) assessing candidates skills in analytical writing skills, integrated reasons, quantitative skills, and verbal skills.

GRE (Graduate Record Examination):

GRE is a standardized examination for graduate candidates at UK higher education institutions. The distinction between GMAT and GRE is that the former is required only for graduate business programs whereas GRE is necessary regardless of your graduate program. Although not a mandatory admission criteria, some institutions in the UK consider GRE as a prerequisite if the candidate has never studied in the UK before.

LNAT (National Admission Test for Law):

The LNATUK examination is aimed at knowing whether the prospective applicant for a university seeking admission to law has the essential abilities including verbal reasoning, information interpretation, critical analysis, etc. Prior understanding of law is not necessary in LNAT exam.

CLT (Cambridge Law Test):

CLT is a paper-based entrance test that requires the candidate to read an essay to answer some of the questions based on the given text. The test does not require having a prior understanding of the law but it is aimed at measuring comprehensive skills, reasoning skills and critical thinking ability. 

MAT (Mathematics Admission Test):

MAT is the qualifying examination conducted for candidates who are interested in taking admission to Bachelor of Mathematics or Bachelor of Computer Science program.
MAT exam is conducted jointly by two of the UK universities – Oxford and Cambridge.

STEP (Sixth Term Examination Paper):

The STEP exam is conducted to assess the understanding level of a candidate in traditional mathematical subjects for undergraduate admissions. STEP is taken as assessment criteria for admissions by Cambridge University, Warwick University, and Imperial College of London.

Test of Mathematics for University Admissions:

The purpose of this test is to assess your critical thinking ability and used it as an admission criterion by Durham University, Lancaster University, Warwick University, Sheffield University, or Southampton University.

BMAT (BioMedical Admission Test):

BMAT is a must for applicants who wish to take admission in medical, dentistry, biomedical and veterinary streams in UK universities. The two hours exam is conducted by Cambridge Assessment and Admission Testing (CAAA) to differentiate the applicants of professional healthcare courses.

GAMSAT (Graduate Medical School Admission Test):

GAMSAT was introduced to the UK by St. George’s Hospital Medical School in 1999 and is now used by Nottingham, Swansea, Cardiff, Liverpool, Exeter, Plymouth, St. Andrews Dundee (Scot Gem), and Ulster Medical Schools. The role of the GAMSAT exam is to assist the selection criteria primarily for students who are applying to study medicine on the new fast-track graduate entry programs.

HPAT (Health Professional Admission Test):

HPAT is aimed at students wishing to study in a healthcare profession in Ireland. HPAT-Ireland is a prerequisite to meet the academic entry requirements set by the universities. International students / non-EU students may be exempted from taking HPAT depending on the chosen course.  

UKCAT (UK Clinical Aptitude Test):

Universities in the UK need UKCAT tests to admissions for medical and dentistry studies from applicants. UKCAT is an entrance test used by most medical and dental colleges in the UK. It was introduced in 2006 and is now used by 14 dental schools and 26 medical schools in the UK.

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