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I want to do engineering in ITALY. Is it free? If no, then how much would it cost? maharashtra board


I am from 10th CBSE, 12th maharashtra board, is it acceptable there?


Tuition fees in Italy will cost you in between 300 – 4000 Euros. But there we apply for the scholarship for each and every candidate. After getting that scholarship, you need to pay only regional taxes, i.e. 156 – 800 Euros max. Yes, you are eligible. As if your previous education was in English then you can apply on the bases of MOI else you will require IELTS 6.0 NLT 5.5.


Yes the tuition fees in Italy will cost you in beetween 300Euros to 4500Euros per year. But once you get the schoclarship then you need to pay only regional tax over there. Your rest of the fees will be waived off according to your family income showing in ISEE statement.

Yes all the regional boards in accepted in Italy, For Languate test waiver you need to provide MOI cetrificate ef your recent previous education was in English, Else you need to provide IELTS of overall 6.0 not less that 5.5.

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