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How can I increase my bands in Writing Task 1 ?



Well candidates opting for General are asked to write a letter Types of letters are - Formal Informal Semifirmal Each type of letter has different vocabulary if not followed properly can alter the entire meaning of letter Letter has three parts Opening lines Body Closing You need to write purpose , details in body part and action needed in closing part I m sure fillowing the writing standards will beg you more bands always


Well candidates opting for General are asked to write a letter Types of letters are - Formal Informal Semifirmal Each type of letter has different vocabulary if not followed properly can alter the entire meaning of letter Letter has three parts Opening lines Body Closing You need to write purpose , details in body part and action needed in closing part I m sure fillowing the writing standards will beg you more bands always


Task 1 for Academic is Graph , process chart , pie chart , bar , table , Line chart or Map in which theres a comparison of present with past or sometimes future Its advised to not to copy data as its already been given instead try to compare facts & figures, organise them and never forget to write an overview which has 2-3 key features. Tense part also hd to take care of else you will lose bands.


Task 1 for Academic is Graph , process chart , pie chart , bar , table , Line chart or Map in which theres a comparison of present with past or sometimes future Its advised to not to copy data as its already been given instead try to compare facts & figures, organise them and never forget to write an overview which has 2-3 key features. Tense part also hd to take care of else you will lose bands.


Besides regular Practice and Mock test , there are many factors that altogether contribute to higher bands . To understand the whole process , one has to go through how writings are marked Task achievement 25% Coherrence & Cohesion 25% Lexical resources 25% Grammatical range & accuracy 25% Start with enriching vocabulary with the help of dictionaries , watching movies , reading books etc using connectors , wide word range is a big Win- win situation. Next comes your ideas and how well you have put them into sequential manner , then how your content or ideas related to the question asked and then look for accuracy of Grammar , tenses and verbs , subject verb agreement etc


By regular practice and through mock practices sessions

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